Thursday, March 27, 2008

We are calling it "super hero dress up"!!!

It is official:
Aiden really likes to play dress-up. Of course we call it "super hero dress-up" when Daddy is around. Today we went with the penny again (which he handed me while doing the sign for please) but we added this ninja head band (AKA mom's floral hair band turned inside out). He wore them both around for quite a while. He also thought is was hysterical when I would put the head band on. We spend so much of our day laughing together...who knew staying home could be so much fun! Man, I love my life :)

The sun was coming through window in the hall and it made the picture super dark. I had to lighten it up so you could see it because the expression was so cute. I didn't do a very good job, but it works!

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