Monday, March 9, 2009

So Sweet...

Emma is such an amazing big sister. She is so sweet and loving to Aiden and Bella and truly enjoys spending time with both of them. I love to watch Aiden's whole world light up when she walks in to the room and one of my favorite things to do is sit outside the bathroom when they are taking a bath together and listen to him laugh hysterically and squeal with delight. She is also so patient with him and when he shows his true "two year old side" she just very sweetly says, "uh oh, are not supposed to do that". He is so lucky to have her. Now that Bella is here it is so amazing to watch her start to form the same bonds with her. Em is always talking to Bells, telling her how sweet and pretty she is and how much she loves her. She is also constantly holding her so gently and whispering in her ear (I would love to know what she says, but totally appreciate that it is just between sisters). Tonight I pulled out the camera just in time to catch one of their moments together...I couldn't resist since they were both in their pink fuzzy footy jammies...too cute! I love you my sweet Emma girl and I am so thankful that Aiden and Bella have you as a big sissy!

1 comment:

yacoltfitz said...

She will be a good momma just like you.. someday!