Sunday, November 2, 2008

29 weeks pregnant

This pregnancy has gone by so much faster than my first (probably because I am busy chasing Aiden around). I was so good about taking pictures of my growing belly with Aiden, but these are the first belly pics we have taken this time around. After seeing these I have vowed to be better about it for the last 11 weeks of my pregnancy. I want our sweet baby girl to know that I am just as excited for her arrival as I was for her brothers. In fact, if it is possible I think I am more excited this time...WHAT!!! Well, as every mom knows, no matter how much you think you know what it will be like (and the absolute perfect love between mom and child), there is no way to know until you actually experience it. This time...I already know! Being Aiden's mom is the most amazing, rewarding, fulfilling experience ever and everyday that I am so thankful to have the job. Now, I have been entrusted with the life of this beautiful baby girl growing inside me...I truly can't believe I am so blessed.
However, this time I am also now more aware of how quickly time flies. It seems like just yesterday I was counting the days until I got to hold Aiden for the first time and now he is going potty on the big boy potty chair (2 days in a row...little stud) and spending the night for the first time away from home (with Grammy and Poppy). So although I am so excited to hold my daughter for the first time, I am not really in a rush to move this pregnancy along any faster. I love the feeling of having her safely in my belly and I am trying to treasure every moment of this pregnancy....every kick, every hiccup, and every little roll.


ENDub said...

Look at how fantastic you look! You look wonderful Em. Time does go by quickly the 2nd time around, doesn't it? I'm feeling that way myself. I can't wait to meet your beautiful girl.

Molly said...

Emily you look great! I totally agree that pregnancy #2 flies by! Looking fwd to some play-dates with the toddlers and the newborns in the upcoming months (crazy!)!