Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Our 2nd Anniversary

Cameron and I celebrated our 2nd Anniversary this weekend. We decided to go to Bonneville Hot Springs Resort, but we weren't ready to leave the baby overnight. My parents offered to come along to watch the kids while Cam and I had a relaxing getaway weekend. Well, things didn't really go as planned...Emma and Aiden both got sick (especially Aiden...I took him to the see the Doc this morning and it is just a bad cold). Poor baby was just not himself and he didn't want to leave mommy for more than a few minutes at a time. This being the case, we just decided to all hang out together (Katie was snowboarding with friends and we missed having her with us)! It actually worked out very well, and we truly enjoyed ourselves. The hot springs water felt great, and the snow was beautiful. When Aiden is feeling better Cam and I will go out to dinner by ourselves to celebrate our anniversary.

Emma smiling at her baby brother
If you look closely you can see Cam and Emma in the hot tub. Emma really enjoyed being in the outdoor hot tub while it snowed.

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