Thursday, April 8, 2010

A LONG overdue letter to my Sweet 3 year old Son

My sweet sugar are 3! How this is possible I am not sure, but you are rockin' 3 like only you can. You continue to amaze me on a daily basis and your outlook on life keeps a smile on my face. You say the most hilarious (one of your favorite words right now) things and you remember EVERYTHING! Your memory really is astounding. You love to make people laugh and you have such a compassionate little soul. You are very concerned about others and are empathetic way beyond your years. You are so bright and you make comparisons that most adults wouldn't catch. You love to rhyme words and find matches everywhere. You still love music and sing ALL the time. You have started writing your own songs and they are so great and funny all at the same are amazing! You use words like "ridiculous", "hilarious" and "actually" all the time and it cracks us all up. Some of your favorite things to do right now are playing cars, playing music, practicing writing (you can write "Mom", "Dad", and "Aiden") doing art (any kind, but especially cutting with your new big boy scissors), playing soccer with Emma and Daddy, singing with Katie, cooking with Mommy (you love using the mixer), "lawning" with Poppy, playing any one of your silly games with Grammy, and putting on puppet shows with Bella (or as you call her "my best friend Beeoos").
You truly are an exceptional little boy and you capture the hearts of everyone you meet. My heart is so full that sometimes I think it may burst...I am the luckiest mommy in the whole wide world.
I love you with all my heart and I am so proud of you.
Happy 3rd Birthday, Sweet Boy!

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