Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday, Little Prince

It doesn't seem possible that 2 years have passed since the first time I first looked in to those vibrant blue eyes of yours. I have loved every single day that you have been in my life and I am so excited to see what each new day brings for you. Every day I am amazed by your brilliant mind and your capacity to love. You have adapted to your new role as a big brother with such ease, and I am already so proud of the big brother you are to Bella. She is so lucky to have you. I know you will be an amazing brother, friend, teacher and partner in crime to her. You are such a happy little person and you make me smile hourly. I thank God every day that I am your Mommy! I can honestly tell you that it is the title that I am most proud of in this world. I love you with all my heart...Happy 2nd Birthday, sweet prince!

1 comment:

ENDub said...

Sweet precious boy. How we love our Aiden! Happy belated baby boy!!