Friday, October 31, 2008

Tick or Teet!!!

Okay, so I am so behind on my blogging that every time I sit down to catch up I get discouraged by the amount of time it will take and I decide I will do it later (world's biggest procrastinator). However, I couldn't stand the thought of not sharing our Halloween pics with you all, so I decided I would post these and catch up later.
We had a great night trick or treating around Grammy and Poppy's neighborhood and they took turns coming with us. Uncle Aaron (Unkie Doh Doh's as Aiden calls him) got to come to a few houses too. Aiden was so brave and had so much fun...of course, having his big sissy there made all the difference. He was a little apprehensive at first, but at the end of the night he would walk to the door and say, "tick or teet". The funniest was when the people would say "pick your own"....Emma would pick quickly and Aiden would say,
"ummmmmmmmmmmmm" and pick up and inspect about 4 different pieces before finding the one he wanted....picky little blue monster!!! We ended the night by going to cousin Andrew's Halloween birthday party! It was a perfect Halloween.

Our Lil' Blue Monster (Boo Monter as Aiden says)
Our sweet witch (this is the first time in 5 years that Emma hasn't been a cat). By the way this is the witch costume that my Mom made and Kara and I both wore. Emma thought that was very neat.
Aiden more interested in Sissy's reflective light than the camera.

I had to get a pic of the tale...hee hee
The first house...look at that brave little monster!Grammy and her sugar monsterUnkie Doh Doh's and the kiddos Aiden thought it was so cool to be outside in the dark
Mommy and her sweet little monster All done...Happy Halloween!!!


Molly said...

What a cute monster boy and witch! Looks like you guys had a fun Halloween. We'll definitely let you know when little one arrives! :)

ENDub said...
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ENDub said...

Too cute Em! I love both of their costumes. The striped socks and the Monster tail have to be my fave :) I'm really glad you posted, as I've been missing you and your updates!