Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day Weekend

So, this wasn't quite the Father's Day Weekend that Cameron deserved (although he did get to play in 3 soccer games which I know made hime happy). The weekend started out great. Emma had her soccer game Saturday morning, and although she said her throat kind of hurt, she played GREAT! After the game instead of having some fun in the sun we decided it was best for Emma if we had her rest a bit. We were supposed to go over to Grammy and Poppy's for a little early Father's Day BBQ and Emma said she felt up to it. However she spent most of the night on the couch and on our way home she was in tears because she felt so sick. Poor punkin has what Aiden had 2 weeks ago. High fever and serious head and body aches. Needless to say, Saturday night was a sleepless one for lil' sicky and I. Today Emma is still super sick, and I am extremely tired and still getting my butt kicked by morning sickness. Grammy and Poppy took Aiden for a few hours so he could get outside and I could get a nap (thank you SO MUCH) and the rest of the day was spent taking care of Emma. We did find time to give Cam his presents and we did let him get take out from his favorite restaurant (which I can't stand) for dinner. I apologized for the day and as he put it, "this is all part of being a father"...what a good sport.

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