Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A special thank you to The Martin Family

Our lifelong friends, The Martins sent Bella this wonderful holiday outfit. It belonged to their sweet daughter Laci. Ginny mailed it to me with the sweetest note (sidenote: Ginny is the only person I know that still takes the time to hand write every note...she is so special) about how it was given to them by some dear family friends and she wanted to pass it on to Bella. Well, Miss Bells wore it several times this holiday season and looked adorable.
To Jason, Ginny, Ty and Laci-Thank you so much for the sweet holiday outfit. I am so tickled that you thought to pass this on to Bells. It made me smile every time she wore it knowing Laci had worn it the Christmas before. We love you guys and miss you very much. See you in May!

1 comment:

Martin Family Life said...

Oh Emily....such sweet words, thank you! Miss Bella looks SO cute in the reindeer outfit. I'm so glad that it would fit her in time for Christmas! Looks like you guys have just had a blast during the Christmas season! Thanks for sharing - makes us feel like we are right there with you!We love and miss you all!