Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Lookin' Good!!!

Emma was ready for a haircut, so of course we took her to see fabulous Auntie Chrissy! She decided she wanted to try short hair for a while and our only requirment was that it was long enough to pull in a ponytail for soccer. He haircut is SSSOOOO cute and she loves it so much she still hasn't quit smiling. Since we were taking Emma in we decided it was time for Aiden's first big boy haircut (he has had a trim, but not a real haircut before). I think watching sissy go through it first helped because he sat there like a big boy the whole time (of course we did bribe him with some fruit snacks). I snapped a million pictures and cried, but in the end I was happy because he looks so handsome. Thanks, Auntie Chrissy!


Doesn't she look beautiful :)

Watching Sissy's haircut


Not so sure about this....
I'll admit it was a little long, but I loved it!

"uh, excuse me!"

Entertaining himself by sticking the clip up his nose

Look how handsome our big boy is...

I think he likes it :)What beauties!

1 comment:

ENDub said...

Oh my stars, they are the cutest things I've ever seen!